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Custom Domains

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In the Ilfreann campaign, there are a large number of additional domains available for clerics and other casters that gain access to domains.

What follows is a list of custom domains:

For non-core domains see also: https://www.realmshelps.net/deities/domains.shtml

Deity / Domain Overview

Name Alignment Gender Domains Shadow Domains
Almeada CN Luck, Trickery, Healing Fate, Patience, (Sloth)
Amorra TN Charm, Community, Protection Storm, Chastity, Pleasure*
Baraff LE Artifice, Law, Travel Creation, Trade, Wealth
Beliria CE ♀♂ Chaos, Evil Domination, Lust, Slime, Temptation
Ilfreann TN Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Animal, Plant Fey
Libraziera TN Knowledge, Liberation, Magic Rune, Oracle, Truth
Mortaebius LN Death, Repose, Darkness Night, Spirit, Undeath
Nurtriste NG Animal, Plant, Weather Hunt, Beast†, Good
The One LE Destruction, Nobility Scalykind, Inquisition, Suffering
The Triad L* ? Mind Time, (Mentalism), Planning
Virtusar LG Strength, War, Glory Sun, Retribution

* Book of Exalted Deeds

† Also referred to as Beastmaster