Differences on Custom Feats
Page for listing custom feats which need to be discussed / approved. See also http://campaigns.13w.nl/ilfreann-old/meta:feats
==== Original ProposalImproved OLD ====
==== Telepathic [Psionic] Infusion ====
You gainare the abilityable to speakmake directlymore intofusions thmore mindsquickly than normal.
**Prerequisite:** Craft Infusion, Profession: Herbalist 10 ranks, Survival 10 ranks
**Benefit:** Creating an infusion now takes 10 minutes instead of others.
**Prerequisite:**ne Manifesterhour. level 3rd, Linguistics 5
**Benefit:** As long as you maintain psionic focus, you gain a limited form of telepathy as a supernatural ability. The ability works exactly like Telepathy up to a distance of 100 feet, exceptAdditionally, you can onlymake speakmultiple withdoses creaturesof withan whominfusion youat shareonce. aFor language.
**Special:**each Anyadditional effectdose, that prevents you from speaking or using verbal components - such as being underincrease the effectdifficulty of athe Silenceurvival spellcheck -to alsogather disablematerials yourby telepathic ability. FIXME2