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Tam "Icicle" Do-Yeon (character sheet)

Tam Do-Yeon / Icicle, Tammy
Old version of the Tam "Icicle" Do-Yeon character sheet.

This is an old version of the character sheet, this version is for D3.

Currently played by . View current character page.


Electric Guitar

Performance Specialization

Traditional Korean Dancing

Performance Specialization

Electric Piercing Eyes

Beauty Perk Tam's eyes are a deep electric blue; small sparks visible when staring deep into them.

Hacker Fingers

Special Power Tam can hack any electrical device that she touches.

Motorized Rollerblade Master

Special Power/Gear Tam has a pair of electric rollerblades, and is extremely proficient in tricks, sweet moves, and racing with them.

Acute Vertigo

Weakness Becomes nauseated when going above the fifth floor (or equal height without a supporting building).