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Raecian Republic

Traditionalist Republic with a class of slaves.

Allegiance: Union
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The Raecian Republic is the government of the planet of Iskandea. It is the home of most Antreans in the galaxy. Most Antreans call the Raecian Republic simply 'the republic'.

--ooc: develop flag--


Raecia was founded when Raecus was thrown out of Argon for speaking out against their king. Raecus led a valiant band of warriors out of the city to found a place free of tyrrany. After their long and ardous journey they were shepparded to the hills and caves of Raecia by the god Cincus.

But once Raecus and his band had settled at Raecia all was not well yet. For an evil tribe of long haired barbarians set on them, to chase them off and take the city for themselves. Though greatly outnumbered, the first Raecians prayed to their ancestors and fought valiantly, beating the barbarians after a hard battle. The battle of the hills is still re-enacted every year.


The Raecian Republic is a constitutional republic, with a government that is open to the input and interests of its people, where governing is done by the people. Never tell them otherwise.

Governance is performed by a series of elected positions, the highest of which is called the Consul. All of these positions have their own set of responsibilities, ranging from orchestrating legal procedings to organising public festivals. These positions are arranged in a series, a consul is expected to have served as each previous position.

By the time a citizen is elected to Praetor, he is enrolled in the senate. The senate is the highest body of government responsible for relations with other governments, taxes, and its members are responsible for leading the armies.


The Republic is a highly stratified society. At the highest level are the patricians. These are patrilineal members of the oldest and most noble families who have been there since the start of the republic, these men are often senators. They hold most of the political power.

Beneath them are the newly enriched equites, who have wealth to display, but neither have as much wealth as the *patricians*, and have acquired it through non-noble means such as trading.

There are large numbers of plebeians who are citizens of the republic, and are free men but do not have wealth nor noble lineages. These make up the majority of the population, and freeload in cities or work professions.

Around the plebeians are a large class of slaves. Slaves differ in social status according to their skills. Mere mine workers are valued beneath plebeians, however skilled craftsmen and teachers of rhetoric are respected members of society. They are however, all property. The slaves are also the class where one might find non-Antreans.


The Antreans believe strongly in the ways of the ancestors. Actions should be based on the traditional way of doing things. Laws are not written down, so much as established over time. Any innovation should be worded in terms of older traditions.

The Republic is strongly militaristic. Every upstanding citizen is expected to have served in the military and it is required to get anywhere in society. This can also be seen in their public displays of armour and antique weapons, which serve ceremonial purposes.

The Raecians are also a big believer in freedom from government. Very little in society is arranged by the government. There are no public fire brigades, or free schooling, such things are provided by citizens. A plaintif in a legal case is responsible for making the defendant appear at court, and for executing the agreed sentance.

Next to the small amount of governance there is a firm belief in free trade, although being a merchant is viewed alongside being an actor or musician, as a very ordinary and cheap profession. There is technically an edict on maximum prices one is allowed to ask for goods, but this is ignored by everyone.

Raecians are a large fan of sports, believing that physical exercise is necessary to become beautiful and the best Antrean one can be. Although, hovercar racing has become an increasingly popular sport, and it does not require as much physical performance as the traditional sports.

--ooc: Something about the servile wars, and how it effects slavery conditions--