These schemas describe what custom data players can add to wiki pages. See the Schemas help page for more information.
A piece of Equipment is a piece of (or set of) pre-defined gear. To use the equipment during a Jedi mission, it must come from the Jedi Order Equipment Inventory. Note that there are special Equipment rules for Jedi.
A faction is a group of people who work together for a common goal, such as a gang, merchant guild, noble house, corporation, or nation. Factions may work together to form greater factions, and some factions such as countries may also be Locations.
A location is an area in the world, such as a castle, tavern, city, forest, mountain or even an entire planet. Some locations, such as countries, may also be Factions.
A person describes a sentient individual, such as a human, android, alien, demon, or intelligent sword.
A Skill as per the Skills rules. Skills are modelled as small distinct chunks of ability, sometimes requiring other skills before they can be learned.
A spaceship is a vessel capable of independent travel through deep space. Most spaceships feature a hyperdrive, a life support unit, and an in-system communications system. The larger spaceships that carry multiple people are often Locations of their own. Note that there are Spaceship rules for Jedi-related smaller spaceships.
A species is a classification of related organisms by their physiological commonalities. Members of a species are usually very similar to each other (in the grand scheme of things), and are usually capable of interbreeding. There are specific species rules.