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Translation Matrix

A translation matrix translates simple spoken conversations and statements to and from Galactic Basic. To ensure that the matrix does not crash, the conversation must be kept simple, and cannot use jargon.

Negotiating prices for spaceport use is fine, as is explaining your plan for a straight-forward ambush to the local rebels. But political negotiations or discussing complex plans is not possible. Discussing the intricacies of hyperspace manifolds or the delicate balance of Thar-Bloom flowers is certainly not an option.

  • This device allows the Jedi to converse with others even if the other party does not share a language with the Jedi.
  • If the Jedi has the Linguistics skill they can use the translation matrix for full translation to and from any language, without any restrictions on the complexity of the conversation.

Note: Jedi with the Linguistics skill do not require this equipment for simple translations.