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Jedi Temple

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The Jedi Temple on Unity City starts out small, and additional buildings and wings can be constructed via Union projects, and as side-effects of Union Projects that improve Unity City as a whole.

A map will be kept of which padawan and knight has quarters where in the temple, allowing for more intricate roleplay within the temple grounds itself.

Equipment Inventory

The Jedi Order also has pieces of equipment in inventory.

  • The Jedi Temple has storage space for 10 pieces of equipment.

With permission of the quartermaster, a piece of equipment can be taken on a missions, in which case it is unavailable for others for the duration of the mission. Addtional equipment can be salvaged from missions. The mechanics of equipment are detailed in the Equipment section.

Hangar Slots

The Jedi Temple has a limited capacity for maintaining Spaceship. This capapcity is expressed in "Hangar Slots".

  • The Jedi Order has 2 Hangar Slots

This means that it can support up to two millenium-falcon sized Spaceship. There are ways to increase the number of Hangar Slots, but they require either dedication of time and effort by Jedi characters, or by the Union.

If a vessel is sacrificed or destroyed during a missions, that vessels is no longer available to the Jedi Order. New vessels can be salvaged from missions, or gained from Union Projects. If a member world wants to contribute a vessels, they can only do so by committing a Fleet to the Jedi Order—meaning that the member world does not have access to the Fleet for the duration of the Jedi mission.

A vessel can only be used by a single Jedi Mission at a time, meaning that at the start only two away-missions can go on at a time.

The rules about of vessels are detailed in the Spaceship section.

Aquatic Geode of Piraus

Besides the Jedi Temple, the Jedi also control the Aquatic Geode of Piraus.

The Geode allows Jedi to select a Piraus Crystal.