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Differences on Jedi Progression

Differences between by and the current version
Over time, Jedi progress in their understanding and training. They do so in three relevant ways: shifting [[virtues]], acquiring and spending [[training points]], and [[jedi advancement|advancing in rank]]. This is a quick overview of Jedi progression: **Shifting Virtues** ---- Shifting Virtues ---- At the end of each mission, a player may shift a single virtue point from one virtue to another if they can justify this shift. The storyteller of the mission is responsible for determining if the justification is sound. //Read more about [[virtues|virtues →]]// ---- Acquiring Training Points ---- //See [[Training Points]] for the rules on training points.// At the end of each [[jedi missions|mission]], a Jedi Character normally gains +5 [[training points]]. Depending on their [[apprentice]] status, they might gain more. Training points are used to train in new [[Skills]], [[Force Powers]] and [[Combat Styles]]. //Read more about [[training points|training points →]]// ---- Advancing in Rank ---- //See [[Jedi Advancement]] for the rules on advancing in the order.// After meeting stringent requirementAfter meeting stringent requirements on [[virtues]] and [[training points]], a jedi can be promoted. This will take multiple [[jedi missions|missions]]. //Read more about [[jedi advancement|Jedi advancement →]]//