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Mora Wyneth

Residence: Ironhearth

The past may be frozen in stone and memory, but it is not dead. Every relic, every rune, every story we preserve gives us a path forward, even in the coldest of times.

— Mora Wyneth

Title: Keeper of Lore and History of Ironhearth

Age: 284

Race: Dwarf


Mora Wyneth is a venerable dwarf with silvery hair cascading in intricate braids. Her deep-set gray eyes sparkle with wisdom. She wears elegant robes of dark blue and silver, adorned with dwarven runes. A frostglass pendant hangs around her neck, and she rarely appears without her frostglass spectacles.


Mora is soft-spoken and deliberate, choosing her words carefully. Kind and approachable, she is fiercely protective of Ironhearth's history. She has a sharp memory and an uncanny ability to connect seemingly unrelated events.


Born into a humble family, Mora displayed an early aptitude for storytelling. She joined the clerics of Morgrim and became a renowned historian. She documented the Abyssal Siege and played a key role in deciphering ancient dwarven runes. Now, as Keeper of Lore, she oversees Ironhearth's vast archives and advises its leaders.