Played by phaetonnz.
Snowdrop (elven name Galanthus) is a halfling, but raised by two elven female parents: Cerisa and Selena. Cerisa is a Winter Witch and Selena is a rogue and both are members of the Pathfinder Society on the world of Golarion. Snowdrop is also a member and the family live in the eastern part of the Land of the Linnorm Kings, not far from the border between it and Irrisen.
Snowdrop was on her way home, from the Grand Lodge in Absalom, on a surprise visit to her parents. Her backpack carried her personal effects, gifts, and her Wayfinder. Using the Maze of the Open Road, she exited somewhere, where she thought was not far from her destination, and since she was expecting rugged terrain as well as ice and snow, she had no idea the Maze had glitched and had deposited her on a different world.
So she trudged on, expecting to see familiar landmarks but what she did find, or rather what found her was a rather large and very hostile white polar bear - which had glowing purple claws. Come to think of it, the beasts fur also had a purple sheen about it. Snowdrop later described this colour as 'ultra-violent'.
Snowdrop had to run for her life with the bear chasing then pouncing on her. Somewhere in the chase, she lost her backpack and was rendered unconscious.
The next thing she remembered was waking up in an infirmary in Frosthaven, with only the clothes on her back, her battered pistol, as well as a pouch full of gems and some Golarion coinage.
When she was told she wasn't were she though she was, she was rather sad about it, but, since there was nothing she could do about it, she decided to make the best of a bad situation and settle here, learn stuff, and hopefully find a way home.
She did figure out why the Maze had glitched. When she had entered the Maze, it was 4724 AR, and she saw the vision of the death of Gorum by Achaekek which had just occurred. The resulting initial burst of the Godsrain, had caused a 'glitch' in the Maze, depositing her on the plane of Frostbound. She hopes to use what she has to get a Planar Key made so she can Plane Shift back to Golarion. But that's not going to happen anytime soon.