Differences on Holliday
Holliday is long and lean - 5"10 and 125 lbs. She's striking in appearance - brilliant green eyes twinkling out of patterned, velvety skin and dark clothes, which are layered to protect her from the cold, though not so thick as to inhibit her.
She carries a double-barrel pistol in a holster on her hip. The holster is attached to a belt where she carries ammo, for quick reloading.
Folx have described her many different ways, though "saucy" is the one that, if she had to choose, she would pick for herself. Her walk, talk, everything about her is the easy confidence of one who knows that they are going to die one day and choose to enjoy being their authentic self in every way until that moment comes.
When she's not on a hunt, and sometimes when she is, she likes her drink and her cards. Taverns are her favorite place to spend time while she is waiting for her mark, mostly because that's where she knows they will eventually show. Once they are in her sights, she'll use every trick in her deck to get them bagged.