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Differences on Start

Differences between by and the current version
The Setting nNamespace describesis your gateway to crafting a truly unique and immersive character. Delve into the Inrich Characterlore gameof world.Frostbound AsLegacy ato player, you can createbring your character here,to andlife. Use athis storytellerknowledge youto can describe everything about the world, including non-player characters, locations like major cities or landmarks, macguffins, factions, in-character religions and deities and anything else that you feel is important. In general, we advise creatingreate a pagecharacter with a compelling backstory. * [[Deities]] * [[Lore]] * [[Locations]] * [[Notable NPCs]] * [[Factions]] * [[Alliances]] * [[Nobility]] * [[Transportation]] * [[Map]] * [[Calendar]] - Updated for each thing you describe, so one page per (non-player) character, one page per location, one page per country, etc. * [[https://rpgpad.com/c/frostbound_legacy/setting/__create__|Create a new page]] * [[https://rpgpad.com/c/frostbound_legacy/setting/__index__|See the list of current pages]] * [[https://rpgpad.com/c/frostbound_legacy/setting/deities|Deities]]February