Differences on Frosthaven Vanguard
[quote="Emblematic Phrase"]
Shield of Frosthaven, Sword of the Tundra.
**Role:** Military Force of Frosthaven
==== Description ====
The Frosthaven Vanguard is a disciplined military force trained to defend the city against all threats.
**Values:** Discipline, Valor, Duty
**Leader:** [[Lady Helena Icebane]]
**Symbol:** A shield emblazoned with a frost wolf head.
==== Ranking ====
1. **Grand Marshal:** The highest-ranking officer, responsible for the overall command and strategy of the Vanguard. They likely oversee all operations, make major decisions, and report directly to the city's leadership.
2. **Marshal:** A high-ranking officer who commands a significant portion of the Vanguard, such as a district or specialized division. They are responsible for the day-to-day operations and deployment of their assigned forces.
3. **Captain:** A mid-level officer who leads a smaller unit of guards, such as a squad or watch. They are responsible for the direct supervision and training of their subordinates.
4. **Lieutenant:** A junior officer who assists the Captain and may take command in their absence. They often have specific responsibilities within the unit, such as training or logistics.
5. **Guard:** The basic rank and the backbone of the Vanguard. These are the men and women who patrol the streets, respond to incidents, and maintain order within the city.
6. **Recruit:** New members of the Vanguard who are still undergoing training. They typically perform menial tasks and are closely supervised by experienced guards.
==== Goals ====
* Defend Frosthaven from all threats.
* Maintain order and protect citizens.
* Support expeditions into the tundra.
==== Allegiance ====
**Primary:** [[Frosthaven]]
**Secondary:** [[Frostwardens]], [[The Frostspire Academy]]