Differences on Darren Icebane
==== Known Background ====
Darren Icebane grew up under the tutelage of his mother Lady Helena Icebane and learned his warrior's lessons well. Drilled in the art of warfare, and the importance of defending Frosthaven, he took the lessons to heart and made sure he was aware of the importance of not shaming the house. He trained and drilled to be a stalwart defender under the title, a sword in his mother grasp - he is aware of the direct nature of his training and that he might lack some of the subtleties of some of the other nobles, but he knows that misdirection and diplomacy mean nothing if Frosthaven falls. He is proud of the defence his family has and is a little more blunt at times than is proper, yet he also knows when to be silent and let the superiors of the house talk.
==== Appearance ====
He stands 5'10" and wears full plate armour, carrying a Bastard Sword and heavy steel shield. The crest of House Icebane is on his Chest-piece of his full plate and the insignia of the Vanguard is on a mantle worn along with the rank of PrivateLieutenant. His dark hair is cropped clean cut and he remains clean shaven. His Brown eyes watch for trouble and he is ready to act when needed.