A scroll scholar values knowledge and learning as much as her other abilities, trading a portion of her potential in her chosen class for greater breadth of skill at deciphering old texts, piecing together strange fragments of esoteric lore, and deciphering the hidden qualities of strange and unusual magical items.
Prerequisite: A wizard must either be a universalist wizard or a diviner wizard in order to take this archetype—other types of school specializations are not suited to this archetype’s focus.
A scroll scholar has the following class features.
Diligent Student (Ex)
At 1st level, a scroll scholar chooses one Knowledge skill. This becomes a class skill if it is not already one. The scroll scholar adds half her class level to all Knowledge checks of this type (minimum 1). At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, a scroll scholar chooses 1 additional Knowledge skill to receive this bonus.
This ability replaces diviner’s fortune (if a diviner) or hand of the apprentice (if a universalist).
Secrets Revealed (Sp)
At 5th level, a scroll scholar gains the ability to cast comprehend languages and identify as spell-like abilities. Her caster level is equal to her character level in whatever class she took the scroll scholar archetype for. She can cast these spells once per day each at 5th level, twice per day each at 7th level, and three times per day each at 9th level. At 11th level, one of these spell-like abilities (scholar’s choice) becomes a constant spell-like ability, and at 13th level, the second one becomes a constant spell-like ability.
This ability replaces her bonus feat for 5th level.
Flash of Insight (Su)
At 10th level, once per day, a scroll scholar can gain a +5 bonus on a single attack roll, caster level check, or saving throw as an immediate action. This decision must be made before the results of the roll are known, but can be made after the die is rolled. This ability can be used twice per day at 15th level, and 3 times per day at 20th level.
This ability replaces the normal addition of a new 4th-level spell slot to the character’s spells per day— from this point on, the wizard has one fewer 4th level spell slot than other wizards.