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Everyone who lives in the city understands that a wealthy man stays wealthy by guarding his purse while wandering the streets and markets. Cutpurses are often trained by guilds to collect the guild’s tax from local businesses on a daily basis, whether through intimidation or pickpocketing. Some find themselves taking up the mantle of adventurer, and their talents are generally appreciated in this role, but the cutpurse is still the first person her companions look to when an Item goes missing.

Measure the Mark (Ex)

When a cutpurse makes a Sleight of Hand check to take something from a creature, the target makes its Perception check before the rogue makes her Sleight of Hand check, and the rogue knows the Perception check result. She can decide whether or not to make the check based on the results of the target’s Perception check. If the rogue elects not to make the check, she can make a Bluff check, opposed by the target’s Sense Motive, to prevent the target from noticing the attempt.

This ability replaces trapfinding.

Stab and Grab (Ex)

At 3rd level, as a full-round action, a cutpurse can make an attack and also make a Sleight of Hand check to steal something from the target of the attack. If the attack deals sneak attack damage, the rogue can use Sleight of Hand to take an Item from the creature during combat; otherwise this ability can only be used in a surprise round before the target has acted. If the attack is successful, the target takes a –5 penalty on the Perception check to notice the theft.

This ability replaces trap sense.

Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents complement the cutpurse archetype: combat swipe, fast fingers, fast getaway, hard to fool, minor magic, slow reactions, and surprise attack.

Advanced Talents: The following advanced rogue talents complement the cutpurse archetype: crippling strike, fast tumble, and skill mastery.