Differences on Qinggong Monk
The qinggong monk is a master of her ki, using it to perform superhuman stunts or even blast opponents with supernatural energy. Some achieve their power over ki through extreme discipline, while others attain this power by intentionally or accidentally ingesting rare herbs or strange mystical fruits, and a few are gifted these abilities by a dying qinggong master.
**Ki Power**
A qinggong monk can select a ki power (see below) for which she qualifies in place of the following monk class abilities: slow fall (4th), high jump (5th), wholeness of body (7th), diamond body (11th), abundant step (12th), diamond soul (13th), quivering palm (15th), timeless body (17th), tongue of the sun and moon (17th), empty body (19th), and perfect self (20th). This replaces the monk class ability the qinggong monk gives up for this ki power.
Ki powers are abilities that draw on the power of a monk’s ki. The standard monk has several abilities that count as ki powers, such as wholeness of body, abundant step, and empty body. A qinggong monk can learn additional ki powers, which often replaces a non-ki monk ability such as purity of body. Ki powers are divided into three categories: feats, monk abilities, and spells.
**Feats:** These ki powers duplicate the effects of specific feats. A monk does not need to qualify for a feat to select it as a ki power. For example, a qinggong monk can select Spring Attack as a ki power even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites for selecting Spring Attack as a feat. Activating one of these ki powers is a free action on the monk’s turn; until the start of her next turn, the monk is treated as if she had that feat. Some of these ki powers that duplicate feats may also be activated as an immediate action; these powers are noted in the ki powers list.
**Monk Abilities:** Some ki powers are standard monk abilities. Even if a qinggong monk selects a different ki power in place of a standard monk ability, she can select that monk ability later as one of her ki powers.
**Spells:** These ki powers duplicate the effects of a spell, and are spell-like abilities. A qinggong monk’s class level is the caster level for these spell-like abilities, and she uses Wisdom to determine her concentration check bonus.
**Requirements:** All ki powers have a minimum monk level requirement to select them. A monk who does not meet this requirement cannot select that ki power.
**Activation:** Most ki powers require the monk to spend ki points; the exact amount is listed after the ki power. Ki powers that cost 0 ki do not require the monk to have any ki points in her ki pool to use the ability.
The saving throw against a monk’s ki power, if any, is equal to 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + the monk’s Wisdom bonus.
==== 4th-Level Ki Powers ====
Acrobatic Steps (1 ki point)
Adder Strike (1 ki point)
Augury (1 ki point)
Barkskin (self only, 1 ki point)
Burst of Adrenaline (1 ki point)
Burst of Insight (1 ki point)
Calm Spirit (1 ki point)
Death from Above (1 ki point)
Deny Death, † (0 ki points)
Feather Step (self only, 1 ki point)
Hydraulic Push (1 ki point)
Ki Arrow (1 ki point)
Ki Stand, † (0 ki points)
Message (1 ki point)
Mighty Fist of the Earth (1 ki point)
Power Attack (1 ki point)
Psychic Reading (1 ki point)
Quick Draw (1 ki point)
Scorching Ray (2 ki points)
Slow Fall (monk ability, 0 ki points)
Stone Shield (1 ki point)
Throw Anything (1 ki point)
True Strike (self only, 1 ki point)
==== 6th-Level Ki Powers ====
Absorb Spirit (1 ki point)
Cloak of Winds (self only, 2 ki points)
Enshroud Thoughts (1 ki point)
Gaseous Form (self only, 1 ki point)
Heroic Recovery, † (1 ki point)
High Jump (monk ability, 1 ki point)
Hydraulic Torrent (2 ki points)
Mental Barrier I (1 ki point)
Object Reading (1 ki point)
Placebo Effect (1 ki point)
Remove Disease (2 ki points)
Sidestep, † (1 ki point)
Snatch Arrows† (1 ki point)
Spring Attack (1 ki point)
Thought Shield I (1 ki point)
==== 8th-Level Ki Powers ====
Deadly Juggernaut (2 ki points)
Dragon’s Breath (2 ki points)
Gliding Steps, † (1 ki point)
Hypercognition (1 ki point)
Jawbreaker (1 ki point)
Mantle of Calm (1 ki point)
Mental Barrier II (1 ki point)
Neutralize Poison (3 ki points)
Poison (2 ki points)
Purge Spirit (1 ki point)
Restoration (self only, 2 ki points)
Share Memory (0 ki points)
Silk to Steel (1 ki point)
Spider Step (1 ki point)
Thought Shield II (1 ki point)
Whirlwind Attack (2 ki points)
Wholeness of Body (monk ability, level 7, 2 ki points)
==== 10th-Level Ki Powers ====
Aura Alteration (1 ki point)
Discordant Blast (2 ki points)
Ethereal Fists (1 ki point)
Glimpse of Truth (2 ki points)
Greater Bull Rush (2 ki points)
Greater Disarm (2 ki points)
Greater Feint (2 ki points)
Greater Sunder (2 ki points)
Improved Blind-Fight, † (1 ki point)
Ki Leech (0 ki points)
Lunge (1 ki point)
Mental Barrier III (2 ki points)
Persistent Vigor (1 ki point)
Quieting Weapons (1 ki point)
Retrocognition (1 ki point)
Sessile Spirit (2 ki points)
Shadow Step (1 ki point)
Spit Venom (2 ki points)
Step Up and Strike, † (2 ki points)
Thought Shield III (2 ki points)
Wind Stance (2 ki points)
==== 12th-Level Ki Powers ====
Abundant Step (monk ability, 2 ki points)
Battlemind Link (4 ki points)
Bonebreaker (2 ki points)
Diamond Body (monk ability)
Dust Form (2 ki points)
Elemental Fist (2 ki points)
Entrap Spirit (3 ki points)
Improved Spring Attack (3 ki points)
Improvised Weapon Mastery (2 ki points)
Ki Throw (2 ki points)
Mental Barrier IV (2 ki points)
Punishing Kick (2 ki points)
Shadow Walk (3 ki points)
Thought Shield IV (2 ki points)
==== 14th-Level Ki Powers ====
Blood Crow Strike (2 ki points)
Cloud Step (3 ki points)
Cold Ice Strike (3 ki points)
Diamond Soul (monk ability)
Disarming Strike (2 ki points)
Improved Ki Throw (2 ki points)
Ki Shout (3 ki points)
Mental Barrier V (2 ki points)
Neckbreaker (2 ki points)
Prognostication (2 ki points)
Repress Memory (2 ki points)
Sonic Thrust (2 ki points)
Thought Shield V (2 ki points)
==== 16th-Level Ki Powers ====
Bleeding Critical (3 ki points)
Greater Blind-Fight, † (2 ki points)
Improved Vital Strike (2 ki points)
Lightning Stance (3 ki points)
Penetrating Strike (2 ki points)
Quivering Palm (monk ability, 2 ki points)
Strangling Hair (3 ki points)
Unshakeable Zeal (2 ki points)
==== 18th-Level Ki Powers ====
Bilocation (3 ki points)
Greater Spring Attack (3 ki points)
Timeless Body (monk ability, 0 ki points)
Tongue of the Sun and Moon (monk ability, 0 ki points)
True prognostication (3 ki points)
==== 20th-Level Ki Powers ====
Akashic Form (3 ki points)
Blinding Critical (3 ki points)
Crippling Critical (3 ki points)
Deafening Critical (3 ki points)
Divide Mind (3 ki points)
Earthquake (4 ki points)
Empty Body (monk ability, 3 ki points)
Frightful Aspect (3 ki points)
Greater Penetrating Strike (3 ki points)
Perfect Self (monk ability, level 20)
Tiring Critical (3 ki points)