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Differences on Character Creation Rules

Differences between by and the current version
**Starting Level:** Begin at Level 3.3 **Ability Scores:** Point Buy System (25 points). **Races:** All Core Races are allowed. **Classes:** All Core and Base Classes are available. **Starting Wealth:** All characters begin with 2,000 gp to spend. **Age:** All18+ characters(No will be over 18 years of age, no exception.exceptions) **Alignment:** Evil alignments charactersrequire requiresGM approval from a GM. **Nobility:** Noble characters requires approvalGM fromapproval. **Jobs:** Choose a GMjob. This determines your starting income. **Traits:** Select two traits. atOnly character creation. You can only choose 1one combat trait allowed. **Equipment:** Purchase your gear using your starting wealth. **GM Approval:** All characters must be reviewed and approved by the GM before gameplay begins.