Differences on Start
The Rules Namespace iserves as the definitive guide for understandinggameplay thein mechanicsFrostbound and expectations of the campaignLegacy. This section provides claritya oncomprehensive whichoverview gameof systemthe rules and materialsexpectations, areensuring ina use,consistent rulesand enjoyable experience for creatingall characters, and any house rules or custom mechanics that will enhance gameplay. Both players and storytellers can reference this space to ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to gameplay and character creationplayers.
* [[Chat Rules]]
* [[Character Creation Rules]]
* [[Races]]
* [[Classes]]
* [[Archetypes]] - in the works
* [[Feats]]
* [[Combat Traits]]
* [[Faith Traits]]
* [[Magic Traits]]
* [[Social Traits]]
* [[Jobs]]
* [[Campaign Rules]]
* [[Player Housing]]
* [[PvE Combat]]
* [[PvP Combat]]
* [[Loot Rules]]
* [[Adventures]]