After the Behemoth fell, and the earth shook with its impact, and the rubble ceased falling, quiet restored, only to be broken again by the cheers of the survivors.
Felia's fell short as she realized how many voices could not join theirs. She scrambled off the top of the gate and started drafting Privates, recruits, and even citizens and adventurers in to recovery crews, hauling rubble and debris, hoping beyond hope to pull out any survivors of the gates wreckage. Once some kind of organization was formed, Felia threw herself into the task, hauling out debris and dragging free bodies, sobbing as the adrenaline fades, as well as with the dispair of witnessing her beloved home shattered, and having witnessed the carnage of the corrupted creature upon her fellow wardens, allies, and friends. She let out a wail to the heavens with each body dragged free, never to share milk with her again, and leaving her to carry on with this burden without them. She would not stop even as the light began to fade, long past exhaustion, her claws splintered and bloody from scrabbling at debris, black bile, blood, mucus, and tears frozen to her fur.
At last, she too had to be carried away, another casualty of the night, though unlike the unlucky souls she was fated to recover after some rest, and her internal injuries from the corruption mend.
If her soul would recover, only time would tell.