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Eloine Vega

Ghoul of Renzo Trapani, professional muscle

Type: Ghoul

Eloine is originally from Iowa, from a family that was on the line between neglect and abuse with regard to their children. She got away at the first opportunity she had and found her way to New York at a young age to seek her fortune. There wasn't much fortune to be found for her though, and she ended up running drugs at first. She trained in martial arts and became quite athletic so that she could work her way up to one of the rarer female muscles for hire. Not quite what she initially had in mind, but the excitement of that kind of life suits her just fine.

She's usually in a suit when working, a look that dresses down her physique somewhat, causing people to underestimate her. In her free time she likes to go around in a tanktop (weather allowing).

Although she's got a good head on her shoulders, Eloine can be perceptive and impulsive, qualities that have hindered her to get much further than where she is now... and qualities that have caused her to find out about things that she might have been better off not knowing about.