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Renzo Trapani

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Old version of Renzo Trapani

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Mortal life

Born in 1959 from Edoardo and Leonora Trapani, Renzo was part of one of the families in La Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian mob, from birth. Edoardo was the boss of their specific branch of the family, and upheld the tradition that children were to be kept away from the mafia business until they had at least come of age. That did not mean, however, that he couldn’t be educated in the skills needed to help the family later in life, and it most certainly didn’t mean that Renzo didn’t know what was going on. He started doing legal chores for the family at a very early age, and stepped into the business the very moment he could. Not that the Trapani’s were, in an off themselves, a very influential family, but Renzo had the ambition to change that.

In his thirties, Renzo was making name for himself as a talented young man in the family, with the promise of making his family proud, when he was offered to meet a potential contact in Cairo, Egypt. He ended up never coming back from this trip though, Renzo and his traveling companions were reported to have died in a fire in a hostel just outside the city of Cairo, their remains very heavily burned. Signs pointed towards a personal vendetta. It was assumed the remote location was chosen to make it difficult to find out the details, but needless to say the family took revenge on their enemies, who denied involvement to their final moments.

Embrace and training in Cairo

Renzo was not quite ready to become a vampire at first. The vampire Elijah Payne had Embraced him and had taken his entire life from him in just a single night. However, as the nights passed, and Elijah told him about his theatre on Broadway (there may have been some embellishing) and took him out into Cairo for several nights, a passion for the arts started to awaken in Renzo that dwarfed Elijah’s own.

After a couple of months, and using up some favors, Elijah left Renzo to be trained in Cairo, pulling quite a few favors with the Settites in Cairo to do so. This was to make certain he would be accepted when he came to New York. Working for the Settites in a large Cairo casino was certainly interesting, but after a couple of years Renzo thought it was about time to chase that glorious Broadway dream. Besides, the family was starting to dig around in Cairo again, so it was about time to leave.

Arrival in New York

His sire’s ability to pull strings certainly came through. Two of Elijah’s men came to pick Renzo up for a journey to New York… in a coffin, as a dead body. Well, if it works, it works.

The sight of the Purple Lounge Theatre was disappointing at best. Located on East 20th Street, technically just off Broadway, situated between a bagels store and a beauty salon. Technically, Elijah had lied about nothing, but it was not quite as glorious as Renzo had hoped. Well, there were other ways to achieve that… first it was time to make good on his word, and somehow boost Elijah’s business. He was already aware that Elijah’s vision, and his own code, were not quite compatible. At the very least, Elijah had agreed that he’d, for now, work with people who had chosen to be in the business themselves. Renzo wasn’t so certain this’d be the case for all of Elijah’s employees now.