At the UN Summit I helped the Prince and Peter Ingolf as best I could by distracting an elderly Chinese gentleman and trying to make acquintances with another diplomat
It became a bit awkward and Tamara threw her drink all over me when I attempted to make it less so
Fled to the bathroom where the wife of the British Ambassador helped me into a new ballgown which I wore the rest of the evening. She is so kind!
Zacha turned up with the Russian delegation to my terror! Luckily, Peter Ingolf had her sent away in thanks for my help, but I fear it may not be the end of it
Prince took me home and I did not tell her what had happened with Tamara, though she may have known anyway. I pray we got everything accomplished
The strange woman I met earlier is Sandra Schröder, an important Tremere figure.
Gave a deferential courtesey to Peter Ingulf and his girl at Elysium. Looks like he will leave New York soon
Arranged for Dwayne to take me to the Golden Asp on Thursday
Lindsey also needs a new dress to go with her new car for our shopping trip