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Differences on Global Demographics

Differences between by and the current version
==== Global Demographics ==== Some notes by the Storyteller about the global demographics of Kindred and other supernaturals. ==== Kindred ==== Kindred are one of the more proliferous supernatural populations. ==== Bloodline/clan ratios ==== Estimates of percentage of non-bloodline members of each clan, spread of percentages in part due estimates being aggregated "per city": * [[setting/clan ventrue]]: 1-2% * [[setting/clan tremere]]: 15-20% * [[setting/clan toreador]]: 7-11% * [[setting/clan brujah]]: 3-16% * [[setting/clan gangrel]]: 2-8% * [[setting/clan nosferatu]]: 1-4% * [[setting/clan malkavian]]: 2-5% * [[setting/clan lasombra]]: 5-9% * [[setting/clan tzimisce]]: 1-4% * [[setting/followers of set]]: 4-9% * [[setting/giovanni family]]: 0% * [[setting/children of haqim]]: 2-3% * [[setting/travellers]]: 2-6%