[Tiffany] Elisabeth-Maria ruined *another* job for me!
Hid photographs in my luggage
Lindsey is getting long hair from
I was able to get some extra volume and length as well!
Received Asian style outfits from Caius for our meeting in Chinatown. Had to figure out how they work for a bit there, as its from the Tang Dynasty era TODO
Went to Chinatown with Senator Caius, and met with some Chinese vampires (I think) though I did not speak the language
They had me wear a sexy outfit, and asked me to serve guests TODO
I figured this might be something more up Tiffany's alley, so I left to ask her to do it, since Chun said they'd pay well
[Tiffany] Elisabeth-Maria is trying to make up for messing up my job by getting me a different one in a Chinese place. Looks promising
[Tiffany] I served some guests and stayed a few days. Luckily, Madam Midnight who runs the place is able to support vampiric servers
[Tiffany] Madam Midnight had interesting information for the party, we should meet with Lao Tsun and bring a gift from different cultures
[Tiffany] There are tensions in Hong Kong, we learned the Mandarin there dislikes the chinese and follows the Dance of the Thrashing Dragon philosophy - whatever that is. Apparently it means there is conflict with a coastal temple there.
[Tiffany] After working three days and serving tea, it turns out they did not plan on paying me!