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Elisabeth-Maria Open Stories

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Elisabeth-Maria Holstein Log / Data
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Wardrobe, Other
Embassy of the Night,
Faerie Wardrobe
Loaned Outfits,
Former Outfits

Open Stories


I've been seeing weird colours for a while now, apparently Isaac knows something about it... (Session 134)

Unable to find Isaac during Elysium, I spoke to Ravenna who agreed to train me for a bit (Session 147). I drank some of Ravenna's blood and she's taking me out to clubs to practice (Session 148). We continued to train (Session 149) over the next weeks (Session 150) and I finally figured out how to interpret aura's (Session 151).

While dancing with Isaac, he agreed to teach me more on this in the future (Session 153). We've continued to practice (Session 154), (Session 158)

Dance Skills

The teacher at the School of American Ballet warned that there will be a big test the 30th, in preparation of the summer break. Other girls will likely go to have intensives during summer, which as a Kindred, I won't be able to do (Session 142). We had a grueling training session, but I finally managed to pass! Next year, I will need a new uniform and should expect to be going through a lot more point shoes (Session 143).

While in the Hedge, I learned Lindsey doesn't know how to dance, and moreover, Dwayne fell during the maypole dance (Session 144). Lindsey and I agree we should arrange some dance lessons some day soon (Session 145) and I gave some basic lessons though she'll still need to do some studies on it (Session 146).

I also invited Dwayne and Carol to join the Ballroom dance lessons (Session 147). Since Emily was unable to arrange the trainer I had in mind, I asked Isaac and he agreed to give lessons! (Session 151) We set a date for next Friday and Ravenna and Borislav are also joining. I'm a tad nervous about him (Session 152).

The dance lessons are going well and I quickly picked up on the old ballroom dances again (Session 154). After some interruptions, I have to catch up on teaching, but lessons are going well (Session 160).

Setite Invitation

When we left the hedge, I was warned to keep an eye out for snakes that might bite (Session 144). At Elysium, Kensa and Hesra invited me to visit the Golden Asp soon, which I did. The Setites are calling in the favour I owe - they'd like me to get the Prince to accept the arrival of a woman named Kadijah into the city (Session 145). I made some calls to find out more about Khadijah - who's sire's sire is apparently on a 'red list', and I actually talked to her on the phone. I also spoke with the Prince about her, and promised to help her get some clothes when she arrives - which she will as the prince said she'd meet with her, at least, so that's progress (Session 146).

Khadijah arrived in New York and we went shopping in prepartion of her introduction (Session 149) - it seems to have worked as the Prince accepted her as a new member of her household! (Session 150) I didn't see Khadijah for a while even if she was a guest, but last Elysium she came with the prince and she got assigned a room finally, not sure why that took so long (Session 155).

I made an effort to spent some extra time with Khadijah, she seems like a nice person (Session 159).


At Elysium, I was contacted Deborah Faulkner who organizes charity events. She wanted to cooperate and of course I gladly agreed (Session 145).

While visiting Marcus, he lamented about his living conditions - he lives in a derelict church which is apparently no longer used and asked my help to fix it up as a favour, to which I agreed (Session 148). I asked Emily to send someone to fix the glass-in-lead windows, but it turns out that may be somewhat expensive (Session 149).

To still help Marcus out, I contacted Deborah and she agreed to help me out with a charity event to sort out the building (Session 151). She's been working on the project and is making progress (Session 154).

I took some time to help Deborah (Session 159), (Session 160).

Female Territory

I promised Isaac I'd talk to Lydia de Witte on behalf of Penny Leonora Garfield as she is seeking to get some territory in Brooklyn (Session 143).

Dwayne asked me about the Baroness of Queens and sending her on a vacation which got a lot more questionable looks than I was entirely comfortable with, though I agreed to try to help him as it also seems to involve the Fey (Session 147).

I went to the Baroness, but she was quite unpleasant, despite my best efforts. In either case, Dwayne is satisfied with the matter so I best leave it at that (Session 148).

I promised Isaac to talk to Lydia at the next open Elysium (Session 149) and she said she would talk to her husband.

I also arranged for Dwayne to visit the Baroness of Queens again as there seems to be some unfinished matters there, according to the Baroness (Session 150). He went with Carol to sort matters out (Session 151)

Lydia said she couldn't manage with her husband, so we'll have to find other arrangements (Session 152).

I managed to make some arrangements with the Prince, and put in some good words for the Baron of Brooklyn (Session 159). After giving a show, the Prince agreed to talk to the Baron about Penny getting a bit of territory and Lydia was very kind to visit and talk about it with me (Session 160).

Celtic Tribe

I freed a Celtic Tribe from the claws of Lady Cleodhana who wasn't treating them well, I think. Now I have 400 Celts. Yay? The Nightmare queen kindly agreed to let them return home though (Session 153). I got an outfit to help out a bit better. With new confidence, I've arranged for the Celts to return home to their own time swiftly, striking a deal with Lady Arethusa to do her a favour in the future, no questions asked.

Isaac seems to have taken the Celtic incident to heart though and is looking for an excuse to visit London (Session 154).


Tamara kindly agreed to help me gain a bit more presence, teaching me some tricks of the trade (Session 152). We've been spending a lot of time together and she even helped me pick up some additional trainings (Session 154).

Helping others

Madison Read asked for my help with future social event, and I agreed (Session 155). I noted at Elysium that Christine Metz seemed to be rather down, I'll need to see what I can do to help (Session 159).

Dress to Impress

I borrowed a gown from Tamara for the fourth of July - unbeknownst to me, Emily put it away in my closet, possibly mistaking it for one of mine (Session 155). Tamara kindly took me shopping to help me recover after my ordeal, paying for my clothes (Session 158)

All of my good will with Tamara may have been for naught though as the Prince asked some... questionable questions of me, and Tamara may not be entirely pleased with me showing off my new underwear to her (Session 160)

Visiting England

Lady Sturbridge made an official request for us to visit England for some business and of course I said I'd go, if the prince allows. She would make that happen (Session 158). We made travel plans which Isaac will arrange (Session 159), and asked Emily to arrange a passport for me, which she passed along to Julia (Session 160).

Falling for the Duchess

The Duchess of Fall was looking for me, inquiring for Princess Luine at the LARP play (Session 159). I visited her, and acted as her ornament to be shown off. I'm sure there was more to it than that, but if there was, I didn't get it. She had an ulterior motive however and took some time to humiliate me, and I agreed to be her autumn decoration in fall, though she left me in tears when I realized I wasn't really good enough (Session 160).