Elisabeth-Maria Holstein | Log / Data (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) | Stories Images Plans | Wardrobe, Faerie Court Loaned, Former, Other |
Angler Garden Gnome
Ceramic garden gnome angling for fish, received as a gift from Isaac Franklin for Christmas 1991 [ Ceramic, Dark Gray, Garden Gnome, Gray, Ivory, Room Decoration, White ]
Knitting Needles
Size 3, 6 inch double point wooden knitting needles, used for knitting socks and legwarmers [ Crafts, Knitting, Knitting Needles, Vanilla, Wood, Yellow ]
Rockerfeller Center Snowglobe
Snowglobe with the ice rink of the Rockerfeller center. If you turn it upside down, snow floats down on it. Received from Carol Meadows for Christmas 1991 [ Black, Multicoloured, Room Decoration, Snowglobe ]
Statue of Amon
An ancient egyptian statue of Amon, made of 18ct gold, received from Menkheperre [ Gold, Room Decoration, Statue, Yellow ]