Nehbet offered a big favour if we all remain quiet about this whole incident
Talked to the other dancers about working for Nicolas again
Became Tiffany, a poledancer, which seemed to have shaken off the entity
Nehbet really really liked my act!
She gave me the performance outfit to keep
Eventually I came back to myself once we left at the end of the night
Took lessons from Isaac at SIRDA
Hinted at the twins I have an expert who may be able to help with the clothes for our visit to Chinatown. Will share with them
Practiced with Gabriella for performance later
Didn't tell the Prince about the Setite events
Visited Pancake to get info about Chinatown event. Apparently, it is in an old Chinese building, but it is a Thai meeting, should wear traditional Thai outfit for a tea ceremony
Asked Dwayne if he could wash my tip money. he said ask Emily instead. After cleaning it, sent it to the Golden Asp
Shopped with Twins for Thai gown
Spent time 'reading' ancient books
Lindsey had her birthday, watched F1 racing and Ayrton Senna from Brazil
Talked to Prince on behalf of Isaac
Livy is back! I don't know who livy is, but we're all excited