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Dwayne Thompson Plans

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Old version of Dwayne Thompson Plans

This is a list of active and future plans as well as todo's for Dwayne "DMZ" Thompson


  • Longterm: collect or work on a history of kindred
  • Become deputy scourge of the Brujah someday.
  • Find some way to track down a sabbat/suspect in an area, say get group of contacts who can patrol a zone. Or get a gang who you can send out to search.
  • Grow the punch
  • Longterm: Eventually get a gang that has experts in identity theft/forgery, could be useful for immigrants (and mostly kindred
  • Take over punch street corners, try a protection racket with stores, deploy homies as visible protection.
    • Lay low for awhile
  • The punch: Acquire a reputation amongst the gang enemies as fearsome, and protective of members.
    • hear how revenge pre-emption turns out.
  • Hang around more in the Hudson freedman club. Be a bit more part of Hudson freedman.
  • OOC: work out librarian so she can generate opportunities.
  • Become a respected member at the church/black harlem community.


Story Chronicle
Suit up

I got some money now, so it's time to get a really fancy suit.
New York
Travel to New York

Found a way to enter New York City by bike. Rode with the Hell's Own through New Jersey, met my first Sabbat.
New York
"The first quest"

Got a mission to find Brujah missing from Toreador territory by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It would be good to find the Brujah and bring them back to Grim.

May be related to military aircraft and Brujah rivalry. Prince wants us to question Toreador for additional clues
New York
Get settled down

Found a good basement under a coffee shop, spacious with little windows, the smell of coffee and pancakes in the morning. I even found a second basement in Brownsville as a hideout.
Self Help

Despite the natural charisma, my ability to rowdy a crowd sucks, need to get better at that but I don't want others to find out, so find some self help courses to train Expression 1.
New York
Hand to hand

I got knifes, I got that, give me a baseball bat, that works. Fist punching is okay but could be better, get some additional experience in non-lethal masquerade friendly combat, for better cage fights. (Train Brawl 3). I'm also getting training in Brute Force bloodline power, which should help in any fighting.
New York
Reliable foodsource

We have a small amount of herd now, but due to recent trauma it seems a better idea to just intimidate people into being food.
New York