Table of Contents
Elisabeth-Maria Holstein | Log / Data (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) | Stories, Plans | Room, Wardrobe, Other | Embassy of the Night, Faerie Wardrobe | Images, Loaned Outfits, Former Outfits |
- Wednesday 6 May
- 1: Elysium
- Set Dates for dance lessons
- Ask Rastus if he managed things
- Arrange call on Friday with Setites
- [Date for receiving Japanse Guests]
- 2: Visit the Hedge, check with the doctor for Jason
- Thursday 7 May
- 1: Yoga
- 2: [Jason Followup OR clubbing]
- Friday 8 May
- 1: [Call with Kadijah], Clothing Repair
- 2: [Jason Followup OR clubbing]
- Saturday 9 May
- 1: Dance Lessons for Lindsey, maybe Dwayne?
- 2: Yoga Performance for Prince
- Sunday 10 May
- 1: Church
- 2: Socialize
- Monday 11 May
- 1: Receive Cierra's Japanese Guest
- 2: Receive Cierra's Japanese Guest
- Tuesday 12 May
- 1: Yoga
- 2: Clubbing
- Wednesday 13 May
- 1: Elysium
- 2: Dance Lessons for Lindsey, maybe Dwayne?
- 1 Aggravated Damage to be healed
- Cut out the Cutting
- Wait for article to be published
- Wait for Mayor to implement alternative plan
- Report to Nightmare Queen
- Yoga Demo
- Give Performance
- Athletics 2
- Japanese Guests
- Soon...
- Bloody Ballet
- Bring ballet / yoga friends to various clubs (0 / ?)
- Colours
- Trigger event when seen
- Ask Isaac for help
- Sophia
- Do nothing atm
- Picking up the Pieces
- Repair clothing (10 / 12)
- Dance Skills
- Arrange dance lessons for Lindsey
- Clockwork Jason
- Visit hedge to see doctor
- ?
- Setite Invitation
- Meet / Phone / Write with Kadijah
- Ask Prince after yoga demo
- Carol's Clothes
- [OOC] put clothes on wiki
- Keep an eye on Carol, more may be ongoing
- Charity
- Look for future charity work opportunities
Temporarily Parked
- Amon Returns
- Await
Training Notes
Auspex Listing
- Pierce the Veil (req Occult 4)
- The Spirit's Touch (req Investigation 1)
- Echo Reading (req Investigation 3)
- Meditations on the Locality (req Investigation 5)
1 : $500 allowance from the Prince = $500
2 : $500 allowance from the Prince, $700 tuition School of American Ballet = $1200
3 : $500 allowance from the Prince, $700 tuition School of American Ballet, $1800 Clothing Allowance = $3000
4 : $500 allowance from the Prince, $700 tuition School of American Ballet, $7800 Clothing Allowance = $9000
- Spring Wardrobe
- Spring Coat
- Hat(s)
- 2 semi formal dresses
- Black one (black heels)
- Gray one (gray heels)
- 1 Informal Dress
- TODO (gloves? heels?)
- 2x decent summer skirt and top
- Elysium Outfits
- 2 formal summer-time dresses
Experience Plans
- Athletics 2 after Yoga Demo (5 xp)
- Training Completed
- Backgrounds
- Contacts (High Society) 1 (3 xp)
- Someone charity related
- Influence 2 (2 xp)
- Etiquette
- Supernaturals
- Kindred
- Camarila
- Sabbat
- Fey
- International Diplomacy
- Oriental Diplomacy (Japanese / Chinese / Korean)
- Empathy
- Advanced Training: Empath
- Specialization: Carousing
- Expression
- Advanced Training: ?
- Specialization: Requests
- Performance
- Specialization: Classical
- Specialization: Ballroom Dancing
- Subterfuge
- Specialization: Make Up
- Specialization: Masquerade
- Craft:
- Clothing Repair -> Specialization
- Animalism
- Animal Ken 1
- Animal Ken OR Drive Specialization: Horseback Riding
- Auspex
- Aura Sight