Setting Permissions per Page
To set page permissions, you need either the moderator or operator role.
Default access to pages is configured by namespace. However, it is possible to limit access to a specific wiki page to a specific group of people. This may be useful for things like a players house - which other players should not be able to edit - or specific pages that only the storyteller may edit.
To set access to a page, first open the edit page for the specific wiki page you want to restrict (you can also do this as you create the page).
Next to the gallery button, a Permissions tab allows you to set the access. If the tab does not appear, you may not have the operator or moderator role required.
By default, the page is set to allow everyone to edit. If you want to restrict the page, check the box, and you can set which roles (game masters, moderators or engineers) can edit the namespace. Operators can always edit pages.
You can also grant access to specific players regardless of their role, using the Allowed players section where you can manually add players by name. Note that you have to save the page before any changes you make take effect.
Special: Character pages - that is, pages that descripe a player's active character, may have additional restrictions on who can edit them. By default, only moderators, operators and the player of the character may edit their character page.