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Differences on Character Creation Rules

Differences between by and the current version
==== PLEASE REVIEW ==== * DnD 5th Edition Homebrew Campaign * All players start at level 3. * All players begin with 500 gold amount plus starting equipment and gold for your class during character creation. * 27 point buy system * Maximum Stat Point at Purchase: 18 * Noble Characters must submit a background story for review before getting approved for creation. * Evil Characters must submit a background story for review before getting approved for creation. * Character sheets will be created on DnD Beyond. The DM team is sharing their resources to the campaign. Please follow this [[https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/28818202640961694|link]] to create your character. * When you select your race, please make note of your chosen subrace in your notes section of your sheet. [[https://imgur.com/52lHW25.jpg|Example]] You will also tack on your bonuses to your sheets under fixed.