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Can I have multiple professions? If so, how does the expertise work?

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Your character can also have a profession of their choice, if they wish. For more information on this please refer to the Occupations wiki for more information.

Your character choses an occupation of their choice, if they wish to have one, at creation to focus on. This will be your primary occupation throughout the life of your character. You can choose to take a secondary profession after your 5th level if you wish.

A few important key points on this process. The occupation will raise in level as your character raises in level. See below for this breakdown.


Apprentice: Character Level 1 to 4

Journeyman: Character Level 4 to 8

Master: Character Level 8 to 12

Grandmaster: Character Level 12


If you choose to take a secondary profession past level 4, you will not start the new profession at the Journeyman level. You will begin the occupation at the Apprentice level. It is possible to rise it to Journeyman level by completing writs. These writs can be done by either completing requests from NPC's guided by the DM team, or a PC requesting your characters assistance. In this regard, you earn experience towards the next level of occupation that's currently available to you.