Respect Others: All players should treat each other with respect. No form of harassment, bullying, or discrimination will be tolerated.
Stay On Topic: Each channel in the server has a specific purpose. Players should try to keep their discussions relevant to the topic of the channel.
No Spam: Players should avoid posting repetitive or irrelevant messages that could disrupt the flow of conversation.
No Offensive Content: Players should avoid posting content that is offensive, violent, or sexually explicit.
Respect Privacy: Players should not share personal information about others without their consent.
No Advertising: Players should not use the server to advertise products, services, or other Discord servers without permission from the moderators.
Follow the Game Rules: Players should follow the rules of the D&D campaign, including rules for character creation, combat, and role-playing.
Listen to the Moderators: If a moderator asks a player to stop a certain behaviour, the player should listen. Moderators have the final say in any disputes.