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Emotion is the flighty, nebulous energy produced by sentient creatures as they interact with the world. It comes in different ‘flavours’, each with their own peculiarities, but generally operating within the same realm.

Humans are not just exceptionally capable of producing emotions, but also feed upon them, the process of which can purify and refine flavoured emotion into specialized and more powerful forms such as Rage and Terror. In groups, humans can even spontaneously create feedback loops in which certain emotions fuel further emotions within the group until they explode and the energy is able to dissipate.

Demons and Fair Folk both feed on emotions, some in general and others on particular flavours. Fair Folk can furthermore refine Emotions into Glamour.

Certain humans are also able to convert Emotion into Faith which allows it to persist independent of the person feeling the emotion. As such Faith can provide an entirely different source of power.