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North Nook Casino

Old version of North Nook Casino

Underground Casino ran by the North Side Gang

Contained in: Undercity
The Location schema has changed.

Located on the north side of the The Loop, but connected to the Undercity lies the North Nook Casino, the cities largest and most popular gambling den.

With many different games of chance, sports betting and many other options to risk it all and win big, it is quite popular, and events such as tournaments are regularly organized.

It is said there is also a special gambling ring within the North Nook that bets with valuables other than money, in particular information, favours and according to rumours, even people.

The North Nook is ran and controlled by the North Side Gang.

Supernatural Connections

The North Nook has markings at the doors and in specific places that suggest some sort of supernatural wards, though it is unclear whether they are protective or just to push the odds further in favour of the house.