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The search feature is available in the breadcrumb bar of your campaign and allows you to search the content of your campaign. We offer two types of search, quick-search and deep search.

Quick Search results are provided immediately upon typing, and matches pages and threads only by their title and tags. If you want to navigate to a specific NPC or thread, simply type the name and it should appear in the dropdown below the search screen before you even finish typing. If multiple results are shown you can select the one you want using the arrow keys and press enter to go there, or if only one result is shown, pressing enter will automatically take you to that page.

A Deep Search is only performed if you press enter without selecting a result (or by closing the quick-search result dropdown, for example by pressing escape). In this case you are redirected to a search results page which shows you all pages and posts matching your search query, including the paragraph where your query or part thereof was found.

Namespace Search (@)

You can narrow down your search by requiring the page be in a certain namespace. For example, you can limit your search to only rules pages, or only within the forums. To limit your search in this way, add one or more of the following:

  • @forum - to only search threads and posts in the forum
  • @setting - to only search pages in the setting namespace
  • @rules - to only search pages in the rules namespace
  • @notes - to only search pages in the notes namespace

Note that you can use more than one of these to search within several namespaces.

Tag Search (#)

You can further narrow your search by requiring a certain tag be present in all your results. For example, you could limit your search to pages and threads with the 'News' tag. To limit your search in this way, list the name of the tag with a # at the start, i.e. #News

Phrase Search ("")

By default, deep search matches any pages that contain any words in your query. As this can lead to a large number of results, you can limit your search by quoting multiple words. If you do, the deep search results will only match against the entire quoted string.

For example, if you search for great golden warrior, the results will contain all pages containing the word 'great', the word 'gold' or the word 'warrior'. You can limit your search to only pages containing the exact phrase by searching for "great golden warrior". Alternatively, you can match pages that contain either the phrase 'golden warrior' or the word 'great' by searching for great "golden warrior".