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Campaign slug not available

I'm trying to update the URL but I keep getting this error code when I update it.

Hmm, that shouldn't happen unless weird things are going on... Can you give me some additional context?

  • What campaign are you trying to update?
  • And to what name are you updating (please give me the exact spelling, that way I can check if the name trips up an automatic filter)?

1. Echoes of Eorzea

2. Echoes of Eorzea

The title of the campaign. Campaign URL available. Changing your campaign URL may break RSS feeds, bookmarks and off-site links to your campaign.

Update URL

Thanks for the information! It helped me reproduce the issue and track down the bug.

We've deployed an updated version of RPGpad just now: Changelog 2023-09-25.

I'm marking this bug as resolved. Let me know if it still doesn't work!

Thank you, this is fixed!