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Changelog 2020-06-12

This week we put a lot of effort in polishing the new Extra Fields feature for World of Darkness character sheets. This round of polishing is not yet done and we will continue next week based on player feedback and the way the fields are used in the different campaigns. In the background we have also been preparing for a significant improvement to Pathfinder system support.

This week's blog post elaborates on our current plan regarding oWoD and nWoD

World of Darkness

  • Extra fields of the large text and small text variety are no longer shown if they are completely empty. This helps keep only those things that matter for your character on the character sheet.
  • Reworked the column handling of the 'Other' section to prevent large empty spaces from forming between fields. This helps to keep the character sheet a little shorter in some cases.
  • Improved the character sheet difference view to take into account the Unmanaged Powers and Unmanaged Backgrounds house rules. This clarifies the change in house rules in the differences, and prevents double headers from showing up.
  • Fixed the wrapping of long ritual names, which was happening too early on the line. Long ritual names are now wrapped a little later on the line, which makes the rituals section of your character sheet more visually organized and a little shorter in most cases.
  • Many minor styling details and little bits of polish.

Dice Roller

  • Fixed the World of Darkness reguler check column titles to no longer concatenate the actual column title and the column position (which produced the rather strange "PhysicalLeft", "SocialCenter", "MentalRight" titles).