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Changelog 2019-02-01

Many change this week, as we have deployed the forum improvements and header styling changes. The header styling is discussed in detail in this week's blog post Header Compactification.

Overall Changes

  • The "Remove" action for threads, forums, wikipages, and characters has been moved to their respective edit pages. You can find them as a red button at the bottom of the edit page.
  • Forums, threads, wikipages, tags, and characters have been given default images to help recognize them when they show up in lists. The best example of this is shown in the search results.


  • The characters overview now lists multiple characters on a single line, which makes it easier to find the character you are looking for.
  • The characters overview now shows a link to the page called "character creation" in the rules wiki. This helps you communicate the rules for creating new characters while also keeping all the rules in the rules wiki.


  • Forums can now be organized to change the order of the the forum groups, and the order of forums within each group. This helps you adjust the forums to be organized the way you want them to be for your campaign.
  • Forum threads have a reworked page header to better show the thread's tags, image, last post details and actions you can take for the thread.


  • Wikipages have a reworked page header to better show the page's title, real name, aliases, tags, and types. This helps with presenting this information in a consistent manner over all variations of wiki pages you have in your campaign.
  • The footers of wikipages now have and edit button and show the last page update's author and time.

Players & Invites

  • Adjusting player roles is now via the player listing, instead of the (now removed) Player Permissions configuration.
  • Invites have been adjusted to offer slightly better text when viewing them while logged in. Additionally, the invites menu option has been removed. Creating new invites can be done via the "Invite Soemone" button in the Players view.
  • Operators can now remove players from the campaign via the Bans screen. Players can still opt to leave the campaign by themselves, but this will help with players that are inactive for a long time, or in the unfortunate situation that you have to remove someone for other reasons.

Campaign Header & Menu

  • The top header of the site has been made more compact, and the menu has been changed to better reflect where you are in the campaign and what you can do there.
  • The left part of the menu bar is now the same for everyone. The Home button has been removed and the menu shows only forum, wiki, characters and players navigation.
  • The right part of the menu bar now changes depending on where you are in the campaign site. It reflects actions that make sense at that place.
  • The campaign configuration and operator options are in the top-right part of the campaign header. This part shows the configuration button, and the number of open invites and completion of campaign setup.


  • Fixed bug with boxes and columns in formatted text. A box directly below a set of columns will no longer be pushed against the bottom of the longest column.