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Rules of Posting Rumors

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Rumors are not intended to insult, or belittle other players. If you cannot post a rumor without resorting to grade-school tactics of popularity, than don't post a rumor. Remember, rumors are supposed to be started by NPCs who do not share your characters bias. There for:

1. Do not mention a player by name. For example "Sora" or "Sora's PC" is not an acceptable topic for a Rumor Post.

2. Do not mention your personal feelings or judgments, Simply state what the rumor is about. For Example, Do not post "The rogue was stupidly trying to pick pocket the nobleman like a complete amateur" Instead try something like "A man was caught trying to pickpocket a nobleman today, I wonder what he was thinking?" Notice how my feelings as a player isn't tainting the NPCs reaction? Try to keep rumors like that.

3. Do not mention PCs by name unless they are your own PCs. By this I mean it is okay, if you play the character Bob, to post "Bob's Warehouse of Wonder is now open for business." or a rumor from your characters point of view, IE: "As Bob was walking down the street today, he seen a man punch another man square in the jaw, Bob quickly reported the altercation to the local Guardsman on scene." What we do not want is Bob posting "Frank was seen mugging a barmaid today" or "A person was seen mugging a barmaid, Bob gives the description of Frank to people in hopes of bringing them to justice." In your own words describe "Frank" to the readers, even if Bob intimately knows Frank, Give the reader a chance to do some investigation and detective work. All Characters have a portrait, describe that!

4. Do not respond to a rumor with a personal "Correction" By that I mean if Bob posts "A man wearing a purple cloak and pink boots was seen stealing a sword from the local smith today" Don't reply to the rumor with "It wasn't a sword, it was a battleaxe" OOCly. It is absolutely okay to add to the rumor with "Oh, I could have sworn the cloak was blue and he stole a battleaxe." ICly. Basically don't correct a rumor unless you are doing it ICly following the guidelines of the Rumor board.

5. DMs reserve the right to lock a rumor thread if we feel it is being taken out of hand, or not following the rules of the board. If you feel your rumor was unjustly locked, Please send me an FPM with a link to the rumor, and I will get to the bottom of it!

This thread has been locked.