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Differences on Lord Krain's Diary

Differences between by and the current version
---- Tue 23/1123/11/1875 ---- Arrival into London. Got introduced to the Falklands, lady Galloret, miss Gladstone and miss Brook at breakfast. A novel experience. Instead of a wine, dine and be dined upon party, there is chatter and glasses of, I must say the most excuisite blood. Sir von Wedel has been kind enough to give me directions to this house, however has neglected to make the proper introductions. Awkward at best. Upon introductions Lord Falkland immediately offered residence, which I kindly accepted. A lot better than that boor of a Wedel, really. The Lady Galloret has been informed of her missive included in the package. She has instructed me to have it delivered to Alpine House, but I must be sure to have the right adressee. With her distance and chill and those white, white hair. Matches the description for sure, but still. Another thing of note was that Miss Brook did not seem to partake at breakfast. Something of note to be further investigated. She is a weird one, with that fox and that feral glance. ---- 23/11 (cont.) ---- A meeting was set up with the Primogen, [[setting/lord Aldwych]] as befits my status. I was also shortly retained by [[setting/lady Aldwych]]. A [[setting/Levee]] was announced to be held shortly for introductions with [[setting/Prince Edmund|the Prince]]. [[setting/Lord Falkland]] has proven an exceptional host, introducing me in this meeting as well as to his local hunting ground. I expressed these feelings towards the primogen as well. ---- Sat 27/11 ---- Today the Levee was set. The formal part was strangely tense. I don't know why but I could only pull through it on Willpower alone. After introductions to the Prince, I was taken aside by [[setting/Lord Rook]] to whom I confided on the American Werewolf situation in London. It seems that aside from the Wolves there has been more traffic from Kindred to London. It seems this individual caused quite a stir, or otherwise the Londoner kin take it for granted everyone across the water knows one another. Lord Rook was kind enough to relay me to no other then Lord Falkland for further information on activity aimed at the wolves. Convenient. ---- Sun 28/11 ---- First Sunday of Advent. Church is a bore, but the addition of a bishop who can actually present blood was welcome. I will have to be cautious in setting up in this period, as the period is strictly maintained in London society. I was glad to be rid of such notions only to be pulled back in now. How to establish oneself as a newcomer in this time of abstinence. Luckily the werewolves provide such an option. I will have to be more forthcoming about my assignment it would seem. Prove my worth in that angle. To further that I payed a visit to the local Kindred orphanage known as [[setting//Rest]]. Miss Callington was most helpful in brushing up my London etiquette a bit. (( 1 day training Etiquette - 1/4 days total )) ---- Mon 29/11 ---- Today was an eventful day. I made a start of acting on the information Lord Rook provided. After breakfast I first took aside Lord Falkland, who gave me some references as to who to speak to. A trip to the Barracks seems to be in order, as well as a visit to sir Billington at Sloan House. He could also confirm that the parcel for Lady Galloret must be for the lady with the fair hair, to be delivered to Hallpine House. Because I would not want to impose on Lord Falkland too much, I went out to find information on this "Sir Kendel" everyone seems to think I might be associated with. This character turns out to be a loon of a golddigger, getting rich of something in the western US and returning with his wife, who is a skull it seems. I should perhaps inquire further after this man, as it would seem his associate was Bill Hitchock, who went missing on this venture. If this is established a message to the Primogen in Manhattan might well be in order. At the very least he would be a contact both very rich and slightly batty. My ventures were cut short as my reason for being here made itself apparent. The papers made it out to be a student prank, which I applaud them for, but it seems the werewolves are in somewhat of a war. We were advised by the court to stay out of it, which is silly really. I should not stay out of something I can attribute to, or at least need to learn more about. This intelligence is vital for my position in the ranks, perhaps even for my ascension to Senectus. I cannot just sit back and let London cover it up. ---- Tue 30/11 ---- A day spent indoors. Unpacking and making inventory. I stayed at Falkland House and read some in the library. ((Training etiquette 2/4 )) It seems the carriage maintenance at Rest is somewhat awkward. Both carriages were out at the same time, so miss Brook had to come to breakfast on horse. Imagine. The creatures can't stand me even less now as they did when I was alive. A brave, though perhaps violent, creature it seems. At breakfast, plans were made to make an appointment with sir Billington over the situation. Aligns very well, since now I won't have to make my own as I can travel with the coterie. ———- Wednesday 1/12 ———- Today was not the best of days. A foul mood took me as I feel a little lost, a feeling I have not had in ages. I have always been good at making connections, but the feeling of being an outsider, of being untrusted and compared to a lunatic starts to irk. If breakfast was already set in a passive aggressive mood as the others set out to sir Billington, things got worse as I set to that same location after brooding on the London streets. Sir Billington wanted me to proof my nature. Suggested I might be a werewolf even. The lady of the house, lady Northall, intervened to make the situation slightly better as I learned the wolves have less trouble staking their social position, with terrible costs for the kindred community. A certain anxiety for conspiracies by wolves seems to be the result. Lady Northall, though she did create an atmosphere in which conversation was possible, did make it impossible to talk about the actual subject. So, I ceased my efforts in forcing the matter and went on gossiping about the members of the clan. A lot has been going on, with blockades being raised, the werewolf invasion. I on my part spent some time on the problems of communication and proposed a solution in the form of a business venture. A courier service. Lady Northall seemed quite interested and I ended up with a plan to establish such a thing going forward. First it is time to refresh contacts with the members of clan Angliae. Perhaps a Christmas feast would be the way.