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Arcane Scholars

What a sorcerer gains through reluctant birthright, wizards must earn through years of toil. Wizards call on arcane magic to bend reality to their will - they change one creature into another, animate the dead to serve them, or summon eldritch forces to smite their foes. They command all this without even the veneer of spiritual guidance divine spellcasters receive.

Endless years of study and research, combined with their need for forethought, often result in wizards developing at least mildly obsessive and controlling personalities. Some wizards grow drunk on their own power or are corrupted by the evil forces inherent in their spells and begin to think they're the sole arbiters of their fate.

Wizards are respected or even admired in some domains, such as Darkon and Hazlan, but often conceal their arcane powers in less accepting lands. Wizards can be found in nearly any domain, however, often lurking in remote towers or secretly using magic to further their goals in other arenas.

Adventuring wizards know that the study of arcane magic is a great temptation but that the rewards are just as great. Although wizards lack the physical prowess of many other adventurers, their spells can harm creatures of the night that laugh at the mightiest swing of a fighter's sword. Wizards often adventure to learn new arcane secrets and add to their power.