Ekal, also known as the Witch, is the wife of Aelus, with a much nicer demeanour. She governs plants and the weather, and is responsible for moving the sun and the moon around. She has black hair and wears a dark cloak lit up by stars. On occasion, these stars fall down and those who find them are granted a wish for their return.
The Witch is a skilled mixer of plants and knows the recipes of all potions as well as all plants that can and cannot be eaten. Her temples store large herbariums, books with dried plants to store this knowledge, but it is only made available to her priests and those who prove themselves worthy.
Priests of the Witch often are very knowledgeable about plants and farming, and they predict the weather to those who ask. Priests of the Witch often experiment with various substances that enhance the mind.
The Witch is worshipped by farmers primarily and many a healer who wishes to learn her secrets.