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City Besieged!

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Last night, a large band of orcs stormed the city walls, held off only by good luck and a skilled group of Adventurers and Church Guard who managed to hold the wall until reinforcements arrived by a mix of clever storm magic, powerful psionics, and heroic warrior skill, including clever use of ballistas, under the leadership of an Ecclesian inquisitor.

The attack was only a quick attempt to test the defenses, however. A far larger army, consisting of thousands of orcs, goblins and various other monsters, seems to have grouped together to attack the city of Duirt! They are now besieging the entire western side of the city, from the river to the coast, blocking all overland trade to Eccles!

Many of the local farmers have either fled or were already inside the city as part of the recent wave of refugees, though the fate of those who remained is unknown.

So far, the orcs have stayed only on the west (Ecclesian) side of the river, and the Church Guard has called up the militia to reinforce its ranks and guard the walls at all times fearing another assault.

Even before the Cardinal was able to send an official request, however, Voran and Silverite soldiers and even City Guardsmen from the Central Quarter entered the West Quarter to help defend and hold the walls in a show of brotherhood and kinship. Not to mention the fact that if the western walls fall, the rest of the city is rife for the taking.

The Cardinal expressed his gratitude for the forthright actions from the other parts of the city and has retroactively granted full permission for foreign troops to enter the West Quarter and support the defense of the city.

So far, the city seems safe, as with men constantly on the walls, another direct assault by the orcs seems unlikely for the moment. What the future brings is uncertain for the moment, but it looks like the orc siege is going to get worse before it gets better…

For more details on the Siege Storyline and how to participate, see the post in the General Forum!

There are rumors floating about that a member of the Vorun House Sterker had been the one directing both the ballista use as well as the Catapult Ecclisian crews use until higher ranking Ecclisians showed to take over the command. Then he waded into battle demonstrating his houses motto again and again.

"Always Stronger"

House Sterker a notorious opponent of the Ecclisian culture had been with the very first group to get to the walls and defend them, no matter that it had been the Ecclisian wall. He was even seen using potions to heal the wounded Ecclisian guards who bravely stood against the orcs.

*On his Riding Dog, the young Halfling Noble went to each Neighborhood of each District of Duirt giving out Food & Clothing to the poor and speaking on a crate to the townspeople.*

<In Hodge and in a loud voice>

"People of Duirt, I understand you are scared and frightened. Monsters gather outside your City. Do Not be afraid. Duirt has always had issues with Rogue spellcasters and monsters harassing us. It is true they have never been this organized before, but this city has Strong and Capable Guardsmen. And it has powerful and wise Heroes. My Father; Lord Floom Frost, always protected this cit when it came to troubles. I am here to tell you right now; I, Sir Milo Frost with my Sisters, Rani & Prilla Frost will continue to aid this city. I and Rani stood back to back on the Wall yesterday fighting Orcs and protecting this city. We will continue to do so. We stand with you even now, we are here by your side to continue the tradition Our Father started to protect you from all harm. We stand with House Sterker. We Stand With House Atianna which stood on the Wall as well to protect this city. Together We Will Defeat this Threat!"

Milo Frost (Diplomacy): 17 = 1d20 [15] + 2

The young son of Dumas Naikl was making haste to alert the gates. Of the horde of orcs. Helping out as needed among the city protectors.