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A fire in the Maze

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It was late in the evening when the silence of the maze was broken by a woman's scream of anguish.

Several individuals, including, of all things, a watch guardsman (in the maze?!?) were seen running to a fire in the maze that was burning fiercely. A woman was screaming incoherently - four individuals tried to get in, only one did apparently... pulling out two small bodies.

Whispers are that it was a revenge killing. Other whispers say it was simply an accident.

Whatever the case, two small lives have been snuffed out.

Venessa is PISSED because of that. She is determined to hunt down the culprits and kill them in slow and painful ways for what happened to those poor children. Nearly half of House Kraken claim they heard her slamming doors and stomping down corridors. A few even claimed they heard sobbing coming from her room.

Even Treasure was cowered enough to stay away. "I've never seen Vanessa that mad before. She was SCARY!"

Two days later, a message is sent to the main Kraken manor in the SRR to enquire about the availability of beach front property on the island of Berus. Could these events be connected?