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We Need You

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*Posters are placed around town and taverns with a picture of Marius Asa in Military Attire, point towards those looking at the Poster*

We need you to help fight the Darkness that threatens the city, any able body man or woman, able to defeat undead, demons, and any evil that threatens your home and loved ones.

We need you to inform your local post with requests to join the hunt for evil

Signed by - Captain Marius Asa

He approached the sign up desk and puts his name down placing his seal with wax next to it. Captain Arphel of House Dankil will always help to protect the City.

The party went in, and came out a little worse for the wear... but judging by the weary smiles, they were successful in their mission. The cost might not be known to the public, but that everyone arrived out in one piece is a clear testament to the defenders of Duirt.

Vanessa had managed to collect a few pieces of the crystal but perceptive people may have noticed that not all of those pieces had been handed over to the Ecclesians. It was likely she still had a few, but what was her plans for them?