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Ven Recruiting

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Ven posted a poorly scribbled note on the bulletin board. Since she was illiterate, it was hard to make out with her child-like writing


was the general gist of it. There was a date scribbled at the base, and to meet at the dock, at the Atianna docking

(( Requesting a party of people for Friday at 8:00 pm EST ))

It wasn't long before an attachment was added to that note, in much clearer and very neat handwriting, basically repeating what was on the original note.

The new pamphlet shows the following

"The Isle Vatra is a smallish island in the Republic that Slavers use to raise babies and children born into slavery. The Slavers use these children at a young age to sell or train for a profit. Female slaves not fit for battle are used as Breeders while Elder slaves that survived would be used to raise the children. Usually a dozen armed men protect the females and young children from savages and would be freedom fighters. Ven's Elder mother is being held here to raise the young ones."

O-ho! It is in the Republic....*Sami muses* That means they're fair game...

*coming to the flyer on the board, he looked through the information and continued to read, he rubs his chin and nods * Time to try some experimentation.