Alicia hears an unseen voice.
"Melody. Tired of living a lie. Going to confess. Maybe quit choir. Probably summoned by Bishop. Who is marrying you? Congrats? Religious Schism? What now?"
Welcome to the city of Duirt
Alicia hears an unseen voice.
"Melody. Tired of living a lie. Going to confess. Maybe quit choir. Probably summoned by Bishop. Who is marrying you? Congrats? Religious Schism? What now?"
Alicia needed a moment to get her bearings, but as a member of a Voran house, she'd been educated about the Arcane and figured out how to respond.
"Confession is good for soul. You love singing! Don't give up what you love! Regarding schism, am sure will be sorted out. Come visit! Alicia."