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Restoration Failures

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Tacked to message boards over the city

A Cult has failed multiple attempts to resurrect a Dynasty to Usurp the Government. The Cultist are due to be questioned. You Government will always protect it's People.

he sneaks in to watch and listen and see what information he can learn.

Leigh goes under the sea to search about. Looking like a big Manta Ray.

Leigh (Perception): 30 = 1d20 [14] + 16

Lady Vanessa discovered a little used section of the Library that looks about 20 years old. It has wax replicas of King Dunder Darkmoore, His Queen and The Princess Zarana Darkmoore. The place looks like it was once a museum and forgotten about. Several sheets of parchment are on a podium:

"Long, long ago Duirt was a small Hamlet called: Windamore. Windamore was a simple little farming hamlet then with a tiny port for local fishing. The mayor back then made a pack with a Spirit (an honest to goodness Spirit of Nature) to provide the city with fertile lands and bountiful crops; in return he would surrender his first born child into the Priesthood for this Spirit. When his daughter was born and of age he attempted to break the pact and tried to hide her away. The Spirit was angry and cursed the very land to not produce crops for three centuries.

In this way the hamlet got the name: Duirt (the U is silent). Needless to say the Mayor was lynched for his crimes. Duirt survived this period in becoming a fishing village. By the end of the three centuries Duirt had become a large Town and a busy Port city. This began the 2nd age of Duirt's growth. A family of powerful Arcanists took an interest in Duirt and began to form a power base. Over the next half century the Family provided a large army to Duirt and established themselves as a Royal Family; House Darkmoore had been formed.

With the only large army in the area House Darkmoore swiftly moved across the land claiming Towns and Cities like a great fire sweeping across the land. In under a century they had claimed nearly all of Urt and what would become the country of Vorus. In this time Duirt had become a very important city and was made Capital of the Empire. House Darkmoore moved the seat of power into a nearby mountain and established a city inside it. After this it did not take long for House Darkmoore to claim the rest of the world in skilled negotiations. In just under two centuries Novus Utum's first Empire was formed.

The Royal family hired a group of skilled Arcanist and Psions to forge The Crown Jewels; literally a Crown, Scepter, Ring and Amulet, this would allow only a blood member of House Darkmoore to Rule. This helped them control the farthest reaches of the Empire. In this way House Darkmoore ruled the world for a thousand years. This lasted in peace and prosperity until the time of King Dunder Darkmoore. Dunder was not the most stable of people in the best of times. When his daughter; Princess Zarana Darkmoore, was 16 he was convinced she was a product of infidelity from the Captain of his guard and the Queen. In a fit of rage he had the Captain and his closest supporters hanged, when his advisers spoke out he had them beheaded.

The King's Arcanist, Yannia Yris, foreseeing disaster entombed the Princess in a Blue Crystal Coffin to keep her in suspended animation. Yannia then fled the city as Dunder sealed the city and released a lethal poison gas that killed everyone. With the capital sealed and everyone dead the empire quickly fractured."

Leigh swimming in the ocean saw several networks of caves that ran deep and in many directions. The area looks like that described by Dominique he gets a very bad feeling swimming around the area

Recognizing the feeling he kept up his investigations more stealthily but if he could work for a Dragon Goddess, and hunt down an evil spider goddess, he could withstand the fear caused by an ancient vampire. He wasn't ignoring it, he just wasn't letting it stop him. Besides he might find some cool stuff down there.

Leigh (Stealth): 21 = 1d20 [2] + 19 (( Continuing on with his 30 perception. ))

He is very quiet as he swims through the cave network, after a few minutes he discovered the caves branch in multiple directions going deeper down and up. It would be very easy to get hopelessly lost in here without the proper cave diving items and a safety team.

He makes some small cuts into the walls to test how well they will last for when the groups come. Then swims back out, up to the surface and as he breaks the surface like a whale he lifts the hood from his cloak and stands upon the water.

Looking up at the moon and he does yet another nightly dance upon the waves of rememberance to those he had had to leave behind on their island, a certain Minotaur girl, a Centaur girl, a Blood elf, and a Neriad girl. He kept them all in his heart and his memories and is for them that he always comes out to dance under the same moon that they are sharing in their own part of the world. And once he's done he heads back to shore to go home to his family. Later he would report his findings to who ever he saw from the group.

Vanessa will go looking for Leigh to report. She's going to be really annoyed if he went swimming without her.